Mission and Vision

Our MISSION at Lincoln Community Care Center is to excel as a leader in our community by providing excellent service through nurturing and professional care in a home-like environment. We will strive to improve each resident’s quality of life by treating each as an individual, with respect and dignity. We will attend to the mind and spirit, as well as the body, by empowering residents and their families to be involved in decisions affecting their care and well-being. We will encourage residents to express freedom of choice and autonomy in a way that they are valued and involved with day to day decisions. We are delighted to serve our clients in a way that promotes relationships with a peaceful, safe and joyful environment. We will hold in high regard the sanctity of life that has been entrusted to us with diligence and compassion.
Our VISION at Lincoln Community Care Center is to strive to be an outstanding leader of healthcare in our community and surrounding areas. As a non-profit public entity, we are compelled to care for all citizens and the indigent without regard to pay source. We will take steps to provide exceptional employees who engage in high-quality care and protective oversight. We will continue to invest in staff education that will equip our employees with new and fresh ideas for providing care to the elderly. It is our desire to provide amenities that are innovative and positive to the well being of our clients. We will strive to provide care in a compassionate way that sets us apart from other providers. Quality Improvement will be continually pursued to maintain a level of high-quality care with commitment and compassion.